Psychology services to help you deal with health issues
Dealing with weight issues can be seriously tiring. There are days where it all gets too hard, and you stress eat, days where the scales are the mean kid laughing at you, days when you try and chat to a friend and they say, ‘I know, I have those days too’ (but they’re a perfectly healthy weight).
As someone who has struggled with their weight and body image for most of my adult life and is always working towards smashing my health and well-being goals, I understand your frustrations.
I enjoy working with others who are trying to work toward similar goals, wanting to lose a significant amount of weight and to live a fun, happy and healthy life.
With a wealth of knowledge in this field, I also have access to other health professionals who will help you on your health journey.
Offering Weight & Well-being services including:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Stress management
- Mental barriers to weight loss
Join me on a journey of health and well-being
If mental barriers are constantly knocking your weight loss and health goals off track, let’s have a chat and see if we can not only smash these barriers but your goals.