A couple of things you need to know
As you could appreciate, cancellations without notice or no-shows muck up our day. As a courtesy to our wait-list clients, we ask that you give us 24 hours’ notice so that other clients can take your appointment time. We’ve put a couple of policies in place as outlined here.
Confirmation of your psychology appointment
You will receive a text message the morning before your scheduled appointment as a courtesy. This message asks that you confirm your attendance by responding to the text. We ask that you do us the courtesy of responding so that we can plan our day.
Cancellation of your psychology appointment
If you change or cancel after the reminder text is sent out, you will be charged 100% of your appointment fee. The full fee for your session is also payable if you change or cancel on the day of the appointment or you fail to attend.
These charges will be deducted from your nominated credit card that is held on file. These details must be up-to-date before your appointments are made.
If you have an appointment on Monday and need to cancel, please do so before the reminder text is sent on the Friday beforehand. Genuine emergencies will be accepted.