Self-care and tree guards; what the heck do they have in common? A trend I’ve seen with many intelligent, high achieving people (especially women) is that they believe self-care means they’re selfish. So, they never put themselves first. And after a while, the whole idea of self-care becomes a … [Read more...]
Doing Poorly on Purpose: Strategies to reverse Underachievement and Respect Student Dignity
A wonderful radio broadcast with my dear friend Jim Delisle on helping gifted kids just like I used to be. Oh, and your's truly plays a small part in the new book the broadcast mentions. Not sure that's something I should be proud of but I do like the idea that I'm a "selective consumer" of … [Read more...]
A story about me…
This was published by the ANU when I graduated in 2016. Pretty proud of how it came out. One grad's bumpy ride to a PhD. … [Read more...]